Apr 25, 2008

April 25th, 2008

Greetings from the 4th Grade!

This week has yet been another busy one in Mrs. Winchell's class. Students began literature circles once again and are currently reading either Walk Two Moons, Ella Enchanted, There's a Hamster In My Lunchbox, or Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle. Everyone seems to like the ones they chose, well most anyway. With MCA testing this week, we weren't able to get too far into our books and next week we go on a three day field trip, so it'll take us a while to finish this round.

Mrs. Winchell's math students have begun to understand and learn how to use the process of long-hand division. They are doing fantastico so far! Hopefully too much isn't lost by the time we return from our field trip.

Students also started a new project on Thursday called the Famous Landmark project. Each child will select a famous landmark from the state they are studying and then will need to construct a replica of it using their creative minds and hands. Research is also required, as well as a written paragraph since they learned all about the research and writing process while doing state reports. She can't wait to see them all!

As mentioned above, the whole fourth grade will be leaving for the annual Eagle Bluff Evironmental Learning field trip on Monday and will be returning Wednesday. Classes the students will be taking are pioneer life, orienteering, animal signs, raptors, stars, insect, and a ropes course in the treetops. This trip is an amazing experience for all involved and we can't to tell you all about it when we return!
Thanks again for checking our blog. We hope you enjoy our writings!

Mrs. Winchell

This is Micky, our new student from Thailand.
Alex, volunteering for Mrs. Wolter's science demonstration.

Playing a new cooperative game called Telegraph that Mrs. Winchell learned in one of her grad classes. Very fun!

Writing HISTORY on the couch.

Alex shared her new baby brother with us today! Isn't he just a doll?!

Here are the Rockers of the class. I can't remember what they were signing, but it was hilarious! Good job boys!

Apr 11, 2008


Hi!This week we learned that in thai you put boy or girl in front of your name.Micky tought us that.We also had to have in side recess.Now we are reading with a partner for a ar book.

Apr 4, 2008


This week we had our party we earned. We also looked at a ongnin under a telascope.We had extra resses. We are geting our report cardes. We had to take our Star test.So that was our week.

Here students are dressing up in costumes to celebrate our most recent Touchdown. We earned the class touchdown with good behavior. We are now, once again, trying to fill the marble jar.